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Education Ministry

Our Mission In Education Our Vision in Education Our Principles in Education External Links
To be updated To be updated We believe and re-affirm: - that man is created to enjoy God and His world in truth, Beauty and Love. - that each individual is unique: we respect the sacredness of every person. - that every person has a right to a good education. - that education is an agent of social change and the growth and development of society. Read more hidden text St Joseph of Tarbes School Embu

What is important is that we reveal Christ to those who do not know Him and that we strength the power Christ has over those who know Him, according to our own identity. (const…)

Our whole being is moulded by the Spirit ”as clay in a potter’s hand” all through life. (const..)

All men of whatever race, condition or age, in virtue of their dignity as human persons have an inalienable right to education